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Frequently asked questions about our service:

Is your service confidential?

Yes. We take privacy and confidentiality very seriously. We have a close-knit team of editors who have work exclusively for our company and sign NDAs when they start working with us. Your document is deleted from our system once it is sent back to you. The work will never been divulged to any third party. 

Can I see your privacy and confidentiality policies?

They are accessible here – https://phdproofreadingservice.co.uk/privacy/ and here – https://phdproofreadingservice.co.uk/terms-and-conditions/

Am I allowed to get my thesis or dissertation proofread?

Generally proofreading is allowed. However, the simplest answer to the above question is for you to check with your university or education institution. Even then, some departments or schools within a university might have different rules so it might be best to check with your supervisor. 

Am I allowed to get my thesis or dissertation copy-edited?

Please see the previous question.

How long will the proofreading service take?

Generally, we base our turnaround times on being able to check 10,000 words a day. So 40,000 words should take us four days. Please note: this does NOT include weekends, so please don’t count them. 

Does the service include checking the references?

In short, no. This could refer to the in-text references or the list of references. If there are no set guidelines, our service includes checking consistency of formatting (brackets are opened and closed, year is included if relevant) and spelling in the references but not if for example the place of publication is left out of the reference in the reference list or if multiple authors are cited correctly.

We do not offer a service that cross-checks citations with the reference list.

Does the service include formatting my thesis?

Our standard services do not include implementing formatting from scratch, though we will pick up on inconsistencies, for example in the use of capitals in headings, page numbering or italics, and we will check that numbering of headings and sections is correct.

We have an additional formatting service that will implement correct headings and subheadings, a table of contents, captions for tables and figures and tables of tables and figures. We will also insert page numbers and ensure font is consistent. We are also able to merge multiple documents. This is available from £3 per 1,000 words.

Is it better to get my thesis proofread chapter by chapter or all in one go?

We prefer to work on a thesis in one go as this helps ensure consistency throughout the file. However,we know that sometimes that isn’t possible due to time constraints or the submission process. In these cases, we can work on separate chapters and will do our best to ensure they are all consistent but we recommend you do your own final checks on the collated file.

At what stage of my thesis should I get it proofread?

This will depend a lot on your supervisor, submission process and how confident you feel in your language skills. 

The best option is to get the thesis proofread after your supervisor has done their final checks and you are getting ready for the final submission to the examiners.

It is often worth asking your supervisor about what they suggest. 

Do you offer a plagiarism-checking service?

No, we do not offer a plagiarism checking service. 

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