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Privacy Policy

PhDProofreadingService.co.uk deeply values our clients’ privacy. We assiduously follow all UK regulations on data protection. We seek to make our business practices as transparent as possible and to let clients know as much about these as possible. We do this so that clients are fully informed about the services that they will be using.

The policy in this privacy statement refers to https://phdproofreadingservice.co.uk (the ‘Site’) and describes the information we collect and what may happen to that information. The policy makes reference only to data gathered from the Site and does not apply to any third parties who may have affiliations with PhDProofreadingService.

The Information We Collect
As part of the daily carrying-out of our business we collect basic personal information (e.g. name, address, email address, contact telephone number). We normally use a secure online payment system where your financial information is not revealed to us; we may occasionally take credit card details, if so these are discarded once a payment has been received.

How We Use Your Information
Your information is used exclusively for internal processes. PhDProofreadingService may use your information to verify client information and to send order confirmations. PhDProofreadingService uses financial information to verify your name, address and other information, as well as to take payment for the use of our services.

If you send us correspondence such as emails or letters, we may gather such information and put it in a folder that is specific to you. By using the Site and placing your order with us, you are consenting to the collection and use of your personal information by us. You should note that we may use the information we have collected about you to contact you and deliver information to you about our services generally. If you do not want us to contact you, you may choose to ‘unsubscribe’ from these communications (see below for details).

We use data collection devices such as ‘cookies’ on certain pages of our Site. These are small files placed on your hard drive which help us to provide customised services to you. Certain features of the Site are only available where cookies are used.

Most cookies are ‘session cookies’ and they are automatically deleted from your hard drive when you leave the Site. You may be able to set your browser up to refuse our cookies, but this may mean you can’t use some features of the Site.

Third Parties
PhDProofreadingService will never knowingly disclose client information to third parties. There are two exceptions to this statement:

We may disclose your information if we are required to do so by any government or judicial authority if we, in our sole discretion, believe that such disclosure is necessary or appropriate having regard to any legal proceedings, or investigation into any unlawful activity.
We may also submit your information to parent companies & sister companies.
Accessing, Reviewing & Changing Your Personal Information
You can review and change the information which you have submitted to us, including:

Your name
Your email address
Your address
Your contact telephone number
On written request, we will remove your personal information from our database, however, you should note that whilst we will endeavour to remove all your information, legal and technical constraints mean that we cannot guarantee to remove your information completely.

We use various security techniques to protect your data from unauthorised access from within and outside our organisation, but the nature of the internet is such that we cannot absolutely guarantee complete security.

Changes to this Policy
We reserve the right to change or add to this policy at any time. If we decide to make any changes, we will detail those changes on this page and will also highlight the fact that changes have been made on our home page. However, if you do not use or have not used the Site for some time, we recommend that you check the current policy carefully, to ensure that you are aware of any changes to the type of information we collect, how we use it, and the circumstances under which we would disclose it to third parties.

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