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About PhD Proofreading Service

We are the PhD proofreading division of Londonproofreaders.co.uk, a leading UK proofreading company. We have a team of highly experienced, professional British English proofreaders with backgrounds in the Humanities, Law and Sciences. We have many decades of proofreading experience and we proofread and edit PhDs in all subject areas.

Did you know? We are 44% more affordable than comparative proofreading companies – see here.

We offer affordable and expert professional PhD proofreading services using a two-proofreader system. This means that two proofreaders will check your work for errors, ensuring that all mistakes are picked up and giving you two unique perspectives. One proofreader can easily miss errors and having two professionals helps to mitigate this. We work with students from London and overseas.

For general proofreading, we recommend London Proofreaders (see their dissertation proofreading and essay proofreading services page for more information).


We include both proofreading and copy editing services in our prices and do not charge VAT.

Find out a more about our proofreaders:


Michael is the company founder and head proofreader for PhD Proofreading. He has a post-graduate degree in Journalism and English literature. A writer since a young age he has been published in print and online in a variety of travel and consumer magazines and newspapers. He is a consummate wordsmith with over 11 years’ experience in all fields of proofreading and editing. He also speaks four languages fluently, which is a benefit when dealing with the work of foreign students.


Stephen is one of our leading proofreaders and has recently finished a PhD himself from a leading UK institution in biology. He has proofread and edited journal articles and theses in the STM field and is an invaluable asset to the team.


Fiona has a Master’s degree in Linguistics and English which helps her get to grips with complex concepts and express them clearly. She is widely travelled and has freelanced for a number of years, before joining the PhD Proofreading team. She has an outstanding attention to detail and loves a good cup of coffee.

Phdproofreadingservice.co.uk is a trading style of MK Proofreading Services.

Registered address: 49 Brixton Station Road, SW9 8PQ, United Kingdom

Phd Proofreading Service division of London Proofreaders Rated 4.7 / 5 based on 17 reviews. | Reviews