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How Much Does PhD Proofreading Cost?

PhD proofreading cost

Are you wondering about the cost of PhD proofreading? Most online proofreading services charge exorbitant amounts of money to edit and proofread a PhD, ranging from £1,500 to £2,000 for an 80,000 word PhD (as per the table below). However, at Phdproofreadingservice.co.uk we offer an affordable and high quality service of only £960 for the same level of service. Consider what some of our competitors are charging below.

Cost of a proofreading and editing a 80,000 word PhD written by a non-native (ESL) English speaker:

Proofreadmyessay.co.ukProofreading.orgQualityproofreading.co.ukOur “Premium Plus” Service

We are on average 44.7 % more affordable than other leading UK proofreading services without compromising on the quality and expertise of our service (for our more expensive Premium Plus service).  (Prices correct at 1 November 2021, based on Premium Plus proofreading + editing service compared to similar services offered by the above listed companies.)

We have two levels of service: Premium and Premium Plus

Premium is a proofreading-only service. It is for clients who just need to address basic errors of spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure. Two proofreaders check your work. It costs £10.00 per 1,000 words.

Premium Plus combines proofreading and copy editing and thus, is more in depth. It covers everything in Premium (grammar, spelling, punctuation) as well as capitalisation and editing sentence structure, word choice, academic style and tone. Two proofreaders check your work. It costs £12.00 per 1,000 words.

Using a freelance proofreader

Another option is to use a freelance proofreader who charges by the hour. However, when you work with a freelance proofreader you may have issues of trustworthiness that you do not have when dealing with an established UK company with a long track record and thousands of past customers. Most freelance proofreaders charge by the hour so it may take several emails to establish a quote, which is time consuming and labour intensive. Freelancers cannot offer you the economies of scale that a proofreading company can.

Why are our prices so affordable?

  • As an online proofreading company we don’t have to pay expensive central London rents, a cost which is passed on to you, the PhD student.
  • Additionally as a PhD student you have the experience of many years of writing, from the undergraduate through to post graduate level and perhaps tutoring or marking experience. These factors help to improve the quality of your writing over time. We realise this and charge accordingly, rather than charging flat rates regardless.

When you get your PhD proofread and edited, you are essentially paying for an editor’s time. Prices range from the suspiciously cheap to the ridiculously expensive and we aim to offer high-quality proofreading and editing for a reasonable price.We understand that having your PhD checked is a large financial commitment so we aim to offer an affordable price for both native and non-native PhDs.Our prices start are a flat £9.99 per 1,000 words for both native English speakers and non-native speakers.

Why use our PhD proofreading service?

  • 44% cheaper than other services
  • Fast turn arounds
  • Give your PhD the final polish it deserves
  • Remove errors that you and your supervisor will not have spotted

Contact us today for a quote and find out how we can help you.

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