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PhD Proofreading Birmingham

Now that the research is done and the writing is… almost done, students finishing their thesis have one more hurdle to overcome: proofreading. Sounds simple enough. But when it comes to re-reading a paper that has become so familiar over the past year (or more), it can be difficult to see simple errors such as subject-verb agreements, missing references, and even basic spelling errors. The three-step proofreading method of using Microsoft Spell Checker, reading the paper out loud, and asking a friend to review will not guarantee a flawless paper. And who has a friend willing to read a 200-page document anyway? This is why more and more students in the UK turn to our PhD Proofreading Service to bring their dissertation up to a more professional, polished level.

There are many thesis and dissertation proofreading services available to students. However, it is important to select a service that you can trust your PhD with. Here are five important factors to consider when looking for PhD proofreading in Birmingham:

  1. Privacy – We follow UK data regulations and we do not store information about you nor your paper. After your contract with us has been completed we delete your document from our system.
  2. Qualification – Who is reviewing your paper? We have a range of PhD editors with experience in a wide variety of subjects.
  3. Turnaround Time – How fast can we complete the review? We are able to work quickly and can also accommodate rush work, although this comes at a premium.
  4. Convenience – Pay with a simple bank transfer, editing and returning your document is all done on email.
  5. Price – We offer an extremely competitive rate – from £10.00 per 1,000 words for our proofreading-only service. Other companies charge from £15+ per 1,000 words.

We are a company based in London. We have strict policies when it comes to handling personal information, such as deleting your files once the service is done. Everyone in the team holds at least a Master’s degree and/or PhDs from top UK universities. Not only that, our team is screened for their skills — and only an average of 2% pass the screening process! Our commitment of 7 working days for a 50,000-word document is among the fastest of turnarounds. Convenience is an added bonus because there is no meet-up required — everything is done online.

We have two levels of service, Premium and Premium Plus from £10.00 to £12.00 per 1,000 words. That’s not a bad investment for ensuring a flawless dissertation.

So if you are seeking PhD Proofreading in Birmingham we offer both proofreading and editing – contact us today for a quote.

Phd Proofreading Service division of London Proofreaders Rated 4.7 / 5 based on 17 reviews. | Reviews