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PhD proofreading Edinburgh

What better city to undertake a PhD than beautiful and hilly Edinburgh? We have worked with many students from the University of Edinburgh, Queen Margaret University and Edinburgh-Napier university among others. We have two levels of service, perfect for different budgets. Our Premium PhD proofreading and editing service offers a thorough grammar, spelling  and punctuation check at its most basic level. In our Premium Plus service we also dig deeper and look at:

  • Sentence structure
  • Academic tone and style
  • Word choice
  • Consistency
  • Repetition
  • Academic tone and style

As a PhD student or candidate we know that getting your thesis correct and ready for publication is of utmost importance. Thus, what truly sets us apart is the fact that we use two highly experienced proofreaders on every document. This means that you have two independent pairs of eyes checking your work. We are the only UK proofreading company that offers this service.

Have a look at our proofreading samples and testimonials from satisfied clients on our homepage.

Why should you choose us?

  • We offer proofreading and editing as a combined service.
  • We use two proofreaders on every document – this is unique to our company

We have helped hundreds of PhD students in the UK and worldwide and cover all subject areas. Payment can be made to our UK bank account or through Paypal if you are a foreign student without a UK bank account.

Get in touch with us today, we have an experienced team of experts who can help you achieve your objectives and polish you PhD thesis.

Get A Quote


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