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PhD Proofreading Glasgow

We are a leading PhD proofreading company and work with PhD students around the UK, including the lively city of Glasgow.

Proofreading for PhD students in Glasgow

We are unique for a number of reasons, the main one being that we use two proofreaders on every PhD thesis and include both proofreading and editing in our Premium Plus service.

We know that having a long document like a PhD, proofread, can be expensive. This is why we have two levels of proofreading service which are sure to suit your needs.

The way the two-proofreader approach works is the first proofreader will proofread and edit the document, thereafter, the second proofreader will recheck the document to ensure quality. Essentially, what this means is that you are getting a “deep clean” of your thesis that goes beyond a simple grammar, spelling and punctuation check and considers sentence structure, word choice, repetition and academic tone and style.

We have worked with students from the following universities, among others:

  • University of Glasgow
  • University of Strathclyde
  • Glasgow Caledonian University

As a result of using our PhD proofreading services you will have a succinct and fluent document that reads well academically.

We have two levels of service – a service for every budget

Premium covers PhDs that just need a proofread of the basics like grammar, spelling, punctuation and typos.

Premium Plus is more in-depth and includes proofreading and editing, spelling, grammar, punctuation and dives deeper to look at sentence structure, word choice, repetition and academic tone and style.

We are experienced in editing PhDs from different faculties and offer unrivalled value for money and friendly, responsive customer support.

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Phd Proofreading Service division of London Proofreaders Rated 4.7 / 5 based on 17 reviews. | Reviews