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PhD Proofreading Leeds

PhD Proofreading Leeds

Proofreading is an essential step to ensure that your PhD thesis is free of grammatical and sentence errors. As such, you need to find for a dedicated, quality proofreading service.

Services offered

We offer editing such as reordering and rewriting unclear sentences while our proofreading services include grammar, sentence construction, punctuation, and choice of words. Our company is known for the following:

  • Fast turnaround and express proofreading services
  • We use two expert native speakers to check and correct grammatical errors. In short, your paper is proofread twice, first by one editor then rechecked by a second
  • We value confidentiality and security
  • Our proofreaders are not only Master’s and PhD degree holders, but they are also members of trusted writing organizations like the Society of Freelance Editors and Proofreaders.
  • We guarantee that their proofreaders are knowledgeable in a wide range of subject areas.

Our two proofreader system means that there are two proofreaders on every PhD document that is sent to us. The logic behind it is simple, one proofreader can miss some errors, but this can be spotted when another proofreader goes over the document again. So you are ensured that the result is only the best piece it can be.

We work in almost all kinds of document formats including Word and PDF. But some documents take a longer time to proofread than others. Take note that our proofreading and editing services are available in Leeds and throughout the U.K. as well as other parts of the world.

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Security issues

You are secure, we will never divulge your personal information or a copy of your document to a third party. Additionally, all copies of the document will automatically be deleted from the system once the proofreading service is done and the finished product has been returned to you.


As mentioned earlier, our proofreaders possess the following qualifications and experience:

  • knowledge in different subject fields
  • native English proofreaders with advanced degrees
  • have undergone different testing and training
  • put on a two-month probation before becoming a full proofreader
  • and sign a contract to prevent disclosure of any information

With all these qualifications, we are confident that we are working only with the best proofreaders to produce a quality service.


Our PhD Proofreading service for Leeds is a great help when you are under pressure and need to work on your papers fast.

Phd Proofreading Service division of London Proofreaders Rated 4.7 / 5 based on 17 reviews. | Reviews