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PhD proofreading Nottingham

Nottingham PhD proofreading

You’ve toiled long and hard  for years, there have been many sleepless nights, many hours at the library, and time away from your favourite leisure activities. After years of research, writing, and seemingly endless consultations with your supervisor, you finally finished your PhD dissertation.

But a finished PhD dissertation doesn’t end with the final full stop that you type in the Word file. You still have to fine tune it through careful editing and proofreading. And that’s where a professional PhD proofreading service comes in.

Here are 5 reasons to choose our PhD proofreading service.
1. We are a company that employs highly-experienced native English proofreaders.

The importance of this is obvious. Hiring a native English speaker increases your confidence in the final output: a professionally packaged, edited, and proofread masterpiece.

PhD proofreading services by phdproofreadingservice.co.uk are provided for PhD candidates worldwide, and we work with PhD students in Nottingham and throughout the UK.

2. Use proofreaders who have at least a Master’s degree.
Don’t just get any wordsmith. It is also important to consider the academic qualifications of your proofreader. This helps whip your dissertation into tip-top shape.

How? Aside from native English ability, having a proofreader who understands the jargon of your field, be it in the humanities or arts and sciences, ensures the professional readability of your thesis. It also helps if the proofreaders are members of the Society of Freelance Editors and Proofreaders (SFEP) which many of our proofreaders are.

3. We have a track record of reliability and speed.

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We offer PhD proofreading in Nottingham using a two-proofreader system. In this system, after one proofreader thoroughly checks your dissertation for errors, another one steps in to ensure that mistakes are completely corrected.

Our company is also known for delivering fast, prompt, and reliable service even for rush jobs. Read our testimonials here.

4. We are a reasonably priced PhD proofreading service.

As a student, funds can be understandably low. And if you live in the UK, which is one of the most expensive countries to live in, finding a professional and reasonably priced proofreading service can be a challenge.

To accommodate different budgets we have two levels of service: Premium and Premium Plus.

We can give you a free quote. We offer affordable and expert PhD proofreading in Nottingham that is worth your money.

5. Our company guarantees confidentiality.
We delete your thesis file from our system once the proofreading service has been rendered. Moreover, we are trustworthy and ensure your personal information is safe and secure.

Contact us for a proofreading quote.

Phd Proofreading Service division of London Proofreaders Rated 4.7 / 5 based on 17 reviews. | Reviews